2 bedroom apartment, 103 m2, Antalya


Country: Turkey

City: Antalya

Apartment type: New building

Year of completion of the New building:  2023

Number of rooms: 3

Area, m2: 103

Floor: 3

Floors in the house: 6

Balcony or porch: Balcony, Porch

Number of bathrooms: 1

Elevator: Yes

Finish: Fine

Furniture: Kitchen, Bathroom, Wardrobes, Sleeping places

Amenities:Home appliances, Air conditioning, Dressing room, Panoramic windows, Gym, Concierge

Infrastructure: Shop, Pharmacy, Kindergarten, School

View from the windows: Sea, lake or river

In the garden: Swimming pool

Parking Lot: Outdoor, Indoor

Heating: Autonomous

To the airport, km: 10

To the reservoir, m: 500

Right of residence permit: Yes

Citizenship when purchased: Yes

Purchase conditions: Mortgage is possible, Installment is available

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